Mostly, the particular letters don’t matter they’re just labels for convenient access. To Windows, these are all just different locations that contain files.
For historical reasons, Windows uses single letters (followed by colons) to refer to network connections, just like it does for hard disks, DVD drives, USB sticks, and so forth that are physically connected to your machine. Still here? Great! Web pages on our site are just files stored on our network, and in order to work with them, your computer needs a connection to the right network location. You can skip to “Troubleshooting instructions” below if you just want to know what to do, not why. Most of the time, though, this happens because the X: drive on your computer (or the terminal server) isn’t connected properly. It’s pretty rare, but sometimes there may be a problem with the webserver itself or with the page file or folder. Of course, the first thing to check is that the page or site actually works on the web. If this happens, it generally comes when you’re first starting Dreamweaver, or first connecting to a site in Contribute. For those of you who edit parts of the WOU website, here are a few steps to try if you run into errors like “Can’t connect to site” or “Local root folder is missing” or just “File not found” when you try to open up Contribute or Dreamweaver.